Step 2

Replace the content of the last then callback to print out all the items we have. We do this with the the help of the forEach function

toArray(posts).forEach(function(postToAdd) {

What this code do?

Now we use the array returned by the toArray(posts) invocation to draw all the items of the list.


forEach is a method that can be called on an array and that executes the provided function once for each element of the array.

Parameters of the provided function are:

  • The current element value that is processed in the array.
  • The current element index of the array.
  • The array that forEach() is being applied to.

How to use forEach

For example, We want to log the content of this array with forEach:

var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];

We can write:

arr.forEach(function(value, index) {
    console.log(index, value);

//Will log:
//  0 "a"
//  1 "b"
//  2 "c"

What we just did:

  • We used toArray(posts) function to transform the posts variable from an object into an array.
  • We used forEach to print each items of the posts list instead of only one.